Tuesday, November 24, 2015

How Masculism Hurts Women

I was recently directed to Micah Murray’s blog post titled How Feminism Hurts Men. The title is intentionally misleading and is really just a “stop whining men, if you were women you’d have to put up with” list.

That kind of post isn’t really my style - mostly because I think it tends to be divisive changing nobody’s mind. It blatantly mocks those with opposing views, while giving those within the echo chamber that little bit more reinforcement that their view is correct and needs no reflection. It breeds animus.

Something I’ve seen done often is to swap genders to see how different something reads. Often you will read a news story where if you put a man in place of a woman and read it again you’d say, “holy crap - that guy would be in jail instead of walking the streets”. So, as a thought experiment, I’d like to see what the exact same thing would look like - but in reverse. In my case I’m keeping the genders, but swapping the complaints. Micah’s patterns are basically:

If I (a man) were a women then <this is the downside of being a woman that I, a man, would now experience>

- or -

If I (a man) were a women then <this is the upside of being a man that I, a women, no longer get>

So I’ll reverse that to be:

If I (a woman) were a man then <this is the downside of being a man that I, a woman, would now experience>

- or

If I (a woman) were a man then <this is the upside of being a woman that I, a man, no longer get>

So here goes…

Because of masculism

<somewhere> <somebody> wrote that the men’s rights movement hurts women. That merely discussing issues disproportionately affecting men oppresses women.

She was right.

Because of masculism female suicide has gone up by 12.8x (yes 1,280%!) it is now four times greater than men’s.

Because of masculism female war deaths have increased by 1,014x (yes 101,408%). Women now account for 97% of war deaths

Because of masculism female work related deaths have increased by 164x (yes 16,415%). Women now account for 93% of work related fatalities.

Because of masculism homelessness in women has gone up nearly thirtyfold and makes up 85% of the homeless population.

Because of masculism a woman can be involuntarily conscripted into the armed forces and sent off to war to die. The men stay home with the children.

Because of masculism a woman now lives 2.5 years less, and a man now 2.5 years longer.

Because of masculism women now make up 90% of the prison population. Men, merely their gender are presumed innocent, and often avoid prison so that they can care for their children.

Because of masculism women now dominate the ten most dangerous jobs.

Because of masculism woman’s sole custody of children after divorce has gone down thirteen fold and is only awarded in 7% of cases.

Because of masculism it doesn’t matter how good, hard, or long she works. A man with the same job title, working less hours or less well, will get the same salary.

Because of masculism an intoxicated woman is now considered a rapist for having consensual sex with her partner, but her intoxicated male partner is considered an innocent victim.

Because of masculism it is now acceptable for TV/movies/people to joke about cutting of a woman’s breast and putting it in the garbage disposal - men even laugh with glee at that joke.

Because of masculism women are now the butt of all jokes. Men are considered intelligent and compassionate while women always the buffoon lucky to be married to the wonderful men in their lives.

Because of masculism it is now legal for automobile insurance companies to charge a woman more money based solely on her gender even though she is less likely to get in an accident.

Because of masculism women must now pay significantly more into social security for significantly less benefits. At the same time men pay in much less, and draw benefits for much longer.

Because of masculism research on cancer's specific to women has dropped hugely, spending in research for male cancer’s is fifteen times greater than woman’s.

Because of masculism young girls in school are graded down 15% based solely on their gender. Girls are seen as “defective boys”.

- and finally -

Because of masculism society no longer cares about women. Men’s issues get special laws and consideration, but nobody cares about women - not at all. We too often hear the phrase “there were 200 dead, including 60 men and children” - what about the women!

So stay strong sista’s

One day we’ll all be equal.

That list was just off the top of my head - it could be much longer.

I like Micah’s site. He seems to be strong, intelligent, thoughtful, spiritual, and empathetic - certainly empathetic towards women. I challenge him to consider his, and other men’s, vulnerability - to step back and widen his views.

1 comment:

  1. Very good work! This one should be archived for use in debates.
